Haiti - One Year Later

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea.” Psalm 46:1-2



We are grateful for our partnership with Water Mission.

On August 14, 2021, Haiti experienced a 7.2 magnitude earthquake, killing thousands. Tropical Storm Grace followed shortly thereafter, offering no mercy to a country already reeling from the earthquake and political turmoil. ARDF partnered with the Anglican Mission in Haiti (under the oversight of the Diocese of the Living Word) and Water Mission to bring relief to the country.

It’s been a year since this tragedy. How are our partners doing?

Anglican Mission started a reforestation project.

Despite initial trouble receiving the fees due to a chaotic environment and corruption, the Anglican Mission was finally able to secure the funding with the help of a lawyer and began a reforestation project in Aux Cayes to protect against the disaster. They were also able to organize some social gatherings to hand out food, and purchase a motorcycle so they could reach far off congregations. Meanwhile, Water Mission responded by fixing broken water systems and delivering new water treatment systems to areas hit the hardest.

We are so thankful for the hard work of our partners, and their transparency about the situation on the ground. Things can be difficult in this area of the world, and relief work doesn’t always go as smoothly as we hope for. Despite setbacks and frustrations, we are still honored to partner with local leaders who tirelessly help their communities.


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