Carpentry Brings Hope to a Region Long Ravaged by War


“The Church is seen as a Trusted Place.”

Butembo, The Democratic Republic of Congo


The unrest in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has decimated viable employment opportunities for young people. As a result, many boys and young men chose to run off with the rebels to become child soldiers. When the government reclaimed the area, many of these boys returned and were reintroduced to society.

To serve these boys in a meaningful way, the church built a vocational school in the town of Aru, near the Ugandan border.  It was a huge success. The Aru center has been able to expand due to community support and profits from furniture made at the school. You can read about it here.

Seven years later, a second training school is now operating in Butembo, another town in the Eastern DRC. ARDF is proud to partner with the church in the DRC, which is reaching out in love to these unwanted boys by providing them with community and a purpose.

This short (75 sec) video highlights the impact of the project in North Kivu.

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