An Update from Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo

“God is in control. God is working when we cannot see.”
– The Rev. Bisoke Balikenga

Bunia, DRC


Construction of the first well.

In Bunia, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), The Rev. Bisoke Balikenga and his wife, Furaha, are dedicating their lives to their community, one that has seen plenty of violence due to civil war and ongoing conflicts. The town of Bunia hosts three camps for displaced people who have fled their villages and their land to escape civil war, human atrocities, starvation, and devastation. These camps are currently home to more than 44,000 families, many who have experienced deep trauma.

Bisoke and Furaha have developed two organizations to help: the Bunia Children’s Hope Center (BCHC), which educates orphans and places them in foster care; and The Peace Center, which provides ecumenical church services, counseling, reconciliation seminars, education, food, and housing for the most vulnerable.

Last year, ARDF, along with a church in Charleston, SC, began fundraising for a well. Apart from food, Bisoke believes this is one of the most pressing needs. We are thrilled to report that construction is “well” underway. 

Bisoke reports of the excitement at the BCHC Orphan School as digging of the well began. The water is now flowing and a platform for the tank is under construction. The children have gathered to see the process and are overjoyed that they will have this access to water. Additionally, this will save the ministry from the costs of having to import water.

That is the good news.

However, we have also learned that the violence that has plagued this region for years continues, as the rebels against the government attack villages - and IDP camps - leaving a trail of destruction and trauma in their wake. As violence occurs closer and closer to Bunia, survivors make their way to Bisoke and the Peace Center. What these people are enduring is incomprehensible to the majority of us. Last summer, Unicef described this one case that epitomizes the consequences on future generations. However, Bisoke and his leaders soldier on, caring for the widowed, orphaned, and traumatized.

The Peace Center continues to hold prayer, counseling, and discipleship opportunities as well as classes for reading, writing and sewing skills. And the displaced women are eager to learn and better themselves despite being trapped in their unstable environment.

Meanwhile, Rev. Bisoke’s advisory board of about a dozen, gathers meets frequently for a prayerful look at their 2022 goals. Bisoke is not in this alone.

We are excited that Rev. Bisoke will have the opportunity to come to the US for the New Wineskins conference. While many hurdles need to be overcome – like securing a visa! – we know his presence will bless us. We also pray that the time in the States will be a blessing to him. And we are praying that Furara can join him, especially as she needs medical care.

If you would like to know more about Bisoke and his ministry, you can sign up to receive prayer updates from Bisoke (via Julia Marshall of Charleston, SC).


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