An Update from Guatemala

You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
- Matthew 5:14



Guatemala City’s landfill - where over 500 families work and live.

In Guatemala, our partners Misión Desafío are constructing a community center in the heart of Guatemala City’s landfill, serving the 500+ families living there and providing a safe place for outreach which includes tutoring, medical support, and daily breakfast. This population is discriminated against, and by caring for this community, the church is demonstrating how all people are made in the image of God and loved deeply by Him. This project is fully funded, and we are excited to receive reports on the project's progress! They recently finished all the floors, the plumbing, and the wiring for electricity, and they are especially thankful for the fidelity of their day-laborers. These workers know that the project will positively affect their mothers, sisters, and wives, and as such are serious about their work. In addition, when the project is complete, the community will have several new competent construction workers who will be able to better care for their families as they obtain higher-paying jobs.

One important story highlights the incredible witness of a project like this which ministers to an underserved and forgotten population. From The Rev. Dana Draft:

A couple of weeks ago a seven-year-old boy came up to Damaris and asked her a question. Looking up at my wife’s face, the little boy asked [in Spanish], “Ma’am, you are the one doing this building, no?” To which Damaris replied, “Yes.” Again, the little boy asked, “And who is this big building for?” She replied, “Why, it’s for you and for all of your neighbors!” Then the little one hugged Damaris with all the strength in his body for what seemed like a full minute. And as he was hugging her, he looked up one more time and asked, “Will it have a real bathroom inside?” By now, both of Damaris’ big eyes were full of tears as she looked down and said, “Yes. There will be real bathrooms inside.” And she hugged him back…again, for what seemed like another minute. Finally the little boy walked away singing, “Thank you, thank you, thank you Señora Damaris!”

Rev. Dana reports that in Guatemala, the mission of the Anglican Church is currently not well known. The Community Center is a beacon of hope and a physical reminder that God is moving in the midst of his people. It constantly serves as inspiration for those ministering in Guatemala City’s landfill and for visiting missionaries. While one of the more discouraging aspects of the project has been health challenges (as people suffer from frequent spikes of various illnesses), they are praying that this community center and the medicare provided there will also set a positive trajectory for the public health of the community. 

We are so thankful for the work of Misión Desafío and the Anglican Church in Guatemala! Please keep the construction process, the day laborers, the ministry leaders, and the people Misión Desafío serves in your prayers.

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Emily Misner