Summer 2023 ARDF Relief Efforts

Serving one another in love, all over the world!

For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
- Galatians 5:13-14

Your Impact:
In the past three months, ARDF sent more than $121,000 in relief funds to Arkansas, the DRC, Kenya, Mississippi, Myanmar, Rwanda, Turkey/Syria, and Ukraine.

In the past three months, we've send funds to disasters both new and ongoing, and ARDF staff and volunteers have participated in two different Disaster Response Mission Trips. This wonderful verse above captures how we feel about all of you - ARDF's Disaster Response Donors and Volunteers. We are so grateful for the ways you are the hands and feet of Christ, displaying His love to the world when disaster strikes. 

The Fabric of Life - An Update from Kentucky

After flooding, most people think of disaster response as mucking flooded homes and clearing trees and other debris. While these are necessary tasks during the emergency relief phase, additional long-term recovery involves so much more, and means a lot to survivors of a natural disaster. Such was the case this last April, as ARDF and four volunteers joined the North American Lutheran Church to serve three families after the July 2022 flooding in Appalachia.

Deacon Betty, a volunteer serving on the trip, discovered an old quilt in the back of a jumbled SUV in the bottom of the creek. Her story of extracting, cleaning, and presenting the quilt to its owner is a powerful testimony of how ministry after natural disasters can take many forms.

An Update on Cyclone Freddy Relief

Back in February and March, Cyclone Freddy wreaked havoc on Madagascar, Mozambique, and Malawi. Shortly after the cyclone landed, ARDF responded by sending funds from our General Relief Fund directly to three Anglican dioceses in the affected areas. In Madagascar, funds were used to rebuild seven churches and two schools that were destroyed. In Mozambique, aid was provided for ten churches and two rectories that were destroyed, as well as thousands of people without shelter, while also attending to the growing cholera outbreak. The church also mobilized trained disaster response “Life Teams” to distribute clean water, food, blankets, and school materials. In Malawi, the church is working with a government established relief camp is providing aid to over 8,000 households. They used ARDF funds to provide food, hygiene kits, medical supplies, and tarps for shelter. 

Great News for Disaster Response!

Some amazing things are happening all over the ACNA related to disaster response. Over 120 Anglicans have become involved or expressed an interest in the disaster response network in the last 11 months! In addition, our structure now includes a 15-member National Disaster Response Task Force, with Disaster Response Coordinators in 7 dioceses and 24 committed parish coordinators.

Thank you to everyone who has prayed for and participated in this work! You can read the full report (with no less than 15 exciting examples of how we have grown!) on our blog.

Photos from ARDF's most recent Disaster Response Mission Trip with AIM in Florida!

Disaster Response Network Director Tommy Lamb, hard at work!

Volunteers helped to sheetrock a house.

AIM Team Leader Monica and crew.

Thank you for your prayers and your support of ARDF's relief efforts! We are thrilled to play a small role in helping churches demonstrate the love of Jesus through these tangible acts of compassion.

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