Fall 2022 Update on ARDF Relief Efforts

The latest news on ARDF Relief Efforts

Your Impact

In the past three months, ARDF sent $317,000 in relief funds to Florida, Kentucky, Kenya, Myanmar, Pakistan, Uganda, and those working in and around Ukraine.

Hurricane Ian

We are thankful that our growing National Disaster Response network has inspired a preemptive response to Hurricane Ian. Before the storm even hit Southwestern Florida, there were already three ACNA churches gathering supplies to deliver to the expected disaster sites. We are taking donations through our Joseph Fund to help with more relief work as we continue to work with our partners on the ground.

You can learn more about our Disaster Response Network on our website and explore the various resources available to you and your church. Tommy Lamb, the director of this initiative, always wants to hear from you if you would like to get involved.

Other Relief Efforts


In late July, a series of flash floods brought massive flooding to Eastern Kentucky. Although several small churches had no formal disaster response experience, Anglicans sprang to action, aided by some of ARDF’s disaster response partners. While the flooding was tragic, the story of people rising up to help their communities is inspiring. Our partners continue working with those affected in KY. The challenge continues to be the remoteness of the people affected by the flooding.


Since June, Pakistan has experienced severe flooding, caused by heavier than usual monsoon rains. By some estimates, over one third of the nation is under water! People have lost their livestock and their housing. Many, including young children, have been injured by the floods, and disease is becoming a big issue because of unsanitary conditions and stagnant water.

To date, ARDF has committed funds for work being done in the dioceses of Faisalabad and Hyderabad to distribute food and other essential supplies. We are monitoring the many requests we have received and are determining how else we can help the church respond. The need is massive.


Please pray for Pakistan as they face one of the worst floods in their history.
The flood waters may take up to six months to recede.


The bulk of our spending this quarter ($246,000) was for Ukraine relief. We continue to support our partners in Ukraine as they reach out to help those displaced by the war. As winter approaches, we know that many Ukrainians will struggle to heat their homes. ARDF continues to respond as needs are made known to us. You can help us help them by donating specifically to Ukraine relief here.


Ministry continues due to the hard work of our partners. In one update we recently received, we learned that a Superbook program was finally resumed and 33 children were able to fellowship and hear the Gospel.

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