Proven Partner Impact Month!


Western Ghana and worldwide

Donations to ARDF’s general fund help to give our partners a hand up, not a handout.

Donations to ARDF’s general fund help to give our partners a hand up, not a handout.

This February we are celebrating the impact of our Proven Partners, those that support ARDF with a monthly gift. 

We are grateful for their continued support and generosity toward the mission of ARDF and our Proven Partner program. Together, we’ve funded some wonderful, life-changing, and joy-filled projects all over the world. 

We can do that because of Proven Partners!

 In western Ghana, the village of Tikobo is far from the capital of Accra and home to poverty, poor sanitation and hygiene, and illiteracy. With an ARDF grant, the church completed a health clinic aimed at reducing the number of deaths from the preventable illnesses that are common in this region. Using general operating funds, ARDF recently wired the money for the final stage of this project: the purchase of an ambulance that will also serve as a mobile clinic, in order to reach even more members of the community. 

 ARDF is unique. When we receive a gift that is designated toward a particular project, we take zero overhead and send 100% of that gift to our partner on the ground. We are able to do this only because of our generous Proven Partners whose donations support our general operations. 

But the donations of Proven Partners do more than keep the lights on in the office. Most of our development projects never receive enough designated funds. Like in Ghana, ARDF fulfills our commitments to complete these projects with general funds. Proven Partners also support our visits to our partners overseas where we build relationships and engage with the community on the ground as they implement ARDF projects.

Our relationships with the Global South are expanding. This means more workers for the harvest and more lives transformed through our Christ-centered development model. 

 It is a privilege to partner with strong local leaders who are driving real change in their home communities. Proven Partners allow us to do this.

 Consider joining us today! Your donations to our general operations make an impact.


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