Bringing Clean Water in Times of Disaster


If there’s something you need more than anything, it’s water.

The Bahamas


Hurricanes Maria (2017) and Dorian (2019), left the people of Puerto Rico and the Bahamas without water. In both cases, ARDF partnered with Water Mission to bring clean water to residents affected by the storms. As part of our Lenten commitment to bring clean water to families in the developing world, we are celebrating the efforts of our partners who do just this!

Water Mission specializes in bringing clean water to communities post-disaster. In the Bahamas. the effects of Hurricane Dorian are still being felt. But thanks to Water Mission, water purification systems are back in place and are delivering over 66,000 gallons of water a day! In addition to meeting the immediate need, Water Mission helps communities prepare for the future. An agreement to solarize the municipal water station in Marsh Harbor means that if the island loses power in the next storm, water purification can continue.

We love their mission: That all people have safe water and an opportunity to experience God’s love. This resonates with our desire to transform communities through Christ-centered development. Beyond clean water, Water Mission works to bring healing to the victims and help them recover from the trauma of the disaster.

Molly is a 30 yr resident of Green Turtle Cay. She and her dog, Jackie, weathered Hurricane Dorian here. Water Mission met Molly as she came to get more water for her home:

“If there’s something you need more than anything, it’s water. We are so thankful for them and so thankful for all [Water Mission] is doing for our community.”

Can you imagine being without clean water? Many of us cannot. But it is the situation for many living around the world, not just victims of disaster. The CDC has estimated that 11% of the world's population (780 million) do not have access to an “improved” water system, where water is from a protected well, spring, or borehole, or pumped into a household.

We’ve seen the importance of clean water in our partnership with Water Mission and others in times of disaster relief. Now you can help families around the world have clean water at home by purchasing a simple purification tablet. Meanwhile, please pray for those who suffer from this lack, that they might be protected from dangerous water-borne diseases. And pray for our Cascading Ministry Initiative. We wish to bring both clean water and safe light to families as a tangible message that Jesus is the Living Water and the Light of the World.

What is a Streams Water Tablet?

Bacteria and other pathogens in drinking water are a major cause of sickness and diarrhea. Streams Water Solutions has developed a small ceramic tablet infused with silver that treats the water. Each 1.5 inch tablet provides clean drinking water for a family for an entire year. Families will fill a 10-liter bucket with water and place the Streams tablet inside. After 24 hours, the water is ready to drink and can be poured into a designated “safe drinking” bucket. The first bucket can then be refilled with more water to repeat the process for the next day.

The Streams Water Purification Tablet is a reusable, inexpensive, way for families to have clean water.

The Streams Water Purification Tablet is a reusable, inexpensive, way for families to have clean water.


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