Changing the lives of children in Northern Kenya, one sponsor at a time!

Faces of children in Northern Kenya who still need sponsors in order to attend Tumaini Academy, a Christian Primary school operated by the Anglican Church.

Faces of children in Northern Kenya who still need sponsors in order to attend Tumaini Academy, a Christian Primary school operated by the Anglican Church.

“My family is still praying for you. May God bless you,

- a top student at Tumaini Academy


Northern Kenya

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The students at Tumaini Academy are accomplished! And you don’t have to take our word for it. Students who receive scholarships through KCEP send letters to their sponsors. These outline their academic accomplishments. But they also describe the hardships their community faces, from droughts and floods, to invasion of locusts and the lack of educational and employment opportunities.

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In all of their letters, the children emphasize that they are praying for us in America.

In all of their letters, the children emphasize that they are praying for us in America.


Not all Tumaini students have sponsors. Some students from poor families have been waiting for the opportunity to attend school. Can you help? For $30/mo, you can send a child to school, where they will receive a top notch academic education in a Christian setting.

Tumaini students are eager to learn and it shows, in the demonstrated success of those that perform well on National Exams (and then go on to thrive in High School.)

Tumaini students are eager to learn and it shows, in the demonstrated success of those that perform well on National Exams (and then go on to thrive in High School.)


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