Ash Wednesday: Little Habits Make a Big Difference


Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have made, and you forgive the sins of all who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Collect for Ash Wednesday, BCP 2019


The Anglican liturgy is the call to remember, especially during Lent. The Collect for Ash Wednesday reminds us that God hates nothing He has made and that He forgives us, time and time again. Lent invites us to welcome new habits and new rhythms that bring us closer to these truths.

Of course, it was only a week after Ash Wednesday 2020 that all of our habits and rhythms changed due to the pandemic. As we come around to Lent again, you may not be inspired to “give something up,” having felt like 2020 was giving up one thing after another!

We at ARDF gave up gathering with our partners in person. This was hard. We wanted to celebrate the opening of a new school (Brazil), or a new health clinic (Ghana), in person! Yet, even in distance, we realize how deep our connections are to the worldwide Anglican church. The virus has not struck evenly, but its ramifications are felt everywhere! Over and over we remain impressed by our partners’ faithfulness, courage, and tenacity. If you have prayed for them or supported their work, you are a part of this!

For this Lent, we ask you to pick up a new habit, that of giving to ARDF monthly. Our monthly givers are our Proven Partners. These donors drive change by providing flexible resources that can be used by our partners on the ground to complete projects, respond to immediate disaster needs, and fund new ventures.

It doesn’t matter if you give $10 per month or $1,000 per month, consistency is what is vital. This habit is more than a short self-improvement project. It has the potential to change not only your heart but the hearts of those halfway around the world!

Bishop Seth Ndayirukiye is a trusted partner in Burundi. 

Bishop Seth with students in Matana, Burundi.

Bishop Seth with students in Matana, Burundi.

[Bishop Seth] is seeking to change an entire society, one marked with civil war, violence, and suffering for decades, by teaching the children. To invest in Bishop Seth Ndayirukiye and his mission is to invest in the future of Burundi.”

– Marjorie Nuyungeko, General Secretary, Bible Society of Burundi

Bishop Seth’s partnership with ARDF has added much needed classrooms to an overcrowded primary school. While some designated donations came in for this project, ADRF could send the balance of the project funds out of our general funds from Proven Partners. This means the project was completed on time and the change that Bishop Seth is championing has already begun!


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