
A new Christian high school will unlock barriers for students living in the arid, impoverished region of Northern Kenya. St. Andrew’s High School for Boys successfully opened in May, 2022, and the third phase of its construction is underway!


Total Project Budget for the Third and Final Phase: $317,455

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“It’s a great joy as we admit the pioneer class at ACK St Andrew’s Boy’s High School, Marsabit. This is a dream come true and we give all glory and honor to God. We are forever indebted to friends and partners in ministry who have walked the journey with us. We pray God’s every blessing upon the school, students, teachers and support staff as we together pursue godly knowledge and virtue to the service of God and humanity.”
— Bishop Qampicha Daniel Wario

Continuing A Legacy

Tumaini Academy was founded in Sololo, Northern Kenya in 2010, giving children a quality education with a Christian worldview rooted in the love of Christ. This arid and impoverished region is inhabited by nomadic herdsman from various tribes, and a quality education often serves to uplift both students and their communities as it opens up new opportunities for advancement. Tumaini Academy stands as a beacon of hope for families in the community, enrolling both Christian and Muslim students.

With so many well-educated children graduating from Tumaini Academy, it became clear that a new high school was needed. St. Andrew’s High School will continue this tradition of excellent education by providing an academically strong, locally based, Christian education. Currently, many Tumaini graduates move out of the region as they go to high school, but parents of all faiths wish for a local Christian school to continue the education that Tumaini Academy has been providing thus far. The land for St. Andrew’s High School for Boys was donated to the Diocese of Marsabit and construction, implemented in three distinct phases, started in 2019. 

At the consecration of the school grounds, Governor Mohamud Ali offered his support, demonstrating how quality education impacts the entire region regardless of one’s faith. A Muslim educated by missionaries, he shared, “Personally I feel at home because I grew up in a Christian Center. Even during my early days when I went to nursery school it was a missionary who gave us the opportunity … and in fact if it were not [this], I would not be where I am.” The teachers at both Tumaini Academy and St. Andrew’s High School for Boys are aware of their important role in sharing Christ’s love with all of their students. 

Construction In Three Phases

Constructed in phases, the first step included purchase of 24-acre piece of land, construction of two classrooms, dormitory, toilets, science laboratory, a house for the principal, and a 100,000-liter water storage tank. The second phase included construction of two classrooms, administration offices, four staff houses, a computer lab and two water tanks. The third and final phase will include construction of a second dormitory and kitchen, and purchase of a water storage tank for the kitchen, a library, science laboratory, two classrooms, learning/teaching resources and sports facilities.

ARDF is now fundraising for this third and final phase.

A Successful Beginning

St. Andrew's successfully opened in May 2022 with its first class of 27 students. The school has grown since then, and when completed will have the capacity to host 80 students.