Small Churches Can Have A Big Impact

The aftermath of the fire in Lapeer, MI.

When the church responds to the needs of their community, lasting relationships are made and the love of Christ shines forth.

Lapeer, MI


ARDF believes that when disaster strikes, the local church is often in the best position to reach out to bring healing and restoration to those affected by tragedy. Our desire is to support the local church and give them the resources they need to do this, so in 2021 ARDF launched The Joseph Fund as a way to respond to disasters quickly and efficiently. This general fund allows us to contribute to disaster relief efforts above and beyond what we raise for any specific event. 

On June 5, 2021, fires destroyed three buildings across the street from St. Matthew’s Anglican Church.

Last year, St. Matthew’s Anglican Church in Lapeer, MI responded to a crisis in their own community, helping those around them with a small grant ARDF was able to provide from The Joseph Fund. Three business buildings with apartments above were destroyed in an early morning fire on June 5, 2021. The fire burned the block of buildings directly across the street from St. Matthew’s and displaced several families. Everyone was safely evacuated, but several people lost all their possessions and several buildings in the block suffered smoke and water damage.

Rev. Colleen Dewey and her congregation sprang into action, helping families and business owners with hotels, food, and clothing. A grant from ARDF provided additional funding to help with lost possessions, lodging, and lost wages. We are honored to work alongside these wonderful partners, and are so thankful for those of you who contribute to The Joseph Fund! Without this general relief fund, we wouldn’t have the flexibility to respond to smaller disasters like the fire in Lapeer. Since its beginning in 2021, The Joseph Fund has enabled ARDF to respond to and partner with more churches than ever before.

The Rev. Colleen Dewey (right) presenting a check to help with lost wages.

We’ve been able to help in a variety of ways, too. Last year, ACNA churches welcomed Afghan refugees into their communities, provided food and supplies after Hurricane Ida, and financially supported the communities of Kentucky hard hit by the December 2021 tornadoes. 

This may be one small story of a church helping in a crisis, but their care has a big impact on those around them! When the church responds to the needs of their community, lasting relationships are made and the love of Christ shines forth. If your church is interested in preparing for disaster relief, let us know! We would love to connect you to our ACNA-wide Disaster Relief Network. You can learn more here and watch a great testimony of how another small church made an important impact after a natural disaster. And finally, if you want to support smaller relief efforts that don’t get specific funding, donate to the Joseph Fund! Your donations give the Church necessary resources to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their communities. Thank you!

Please thank everyone again for us. The recipients of the funds were most grateful! - Carol, member of St. Matthew’s Anglican Church


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