Support the Nehemiah Fund

Let your work be shown to your servants, and your glorious power to their children. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands! - Psalm 90:16-17

Holy Week 2023


Whether it's through words or deeds, we are always learning from our Global Leaders and our partners as they prayerfully engage their communities and creatively bear witness to the Kingdom of Christ. This Lent we had the honor of hearing what was on their hearts:

What wonderful words we find here: mercy and grace. Mercy means that even having failed in temptation and sin our merciful God is willing to forgive us and redeem us. And grace shows us how great is the love of God with us.
- The Most Revd. Dr. Tito Zavala, Primate of Chile.

Compassionate praying is positive praying. Positive prayers will also have depth, we will not stop with our circle of friends, but we will be concerned about needs, unemployment, poverty, homeless and the oppressed.
-The Most Rev. Dr. Samy Fawzy, Archbishop of Alexandria and Bishop of Egypt.

Furthermore, the purpose for God’s gift of people to the Church is that we may all reach unity. This is a special kind of unity – a unity in “the faith” and a unity in “the knowledge of the Son of God.”
-The Most Rev. Stephen Kaziimba, Archbishop, Province of Uganda and Bishop of Mityana.

These leaders know that one of the key ways to share the good news of our Risen Christ is through sustainable action - all in the name of Jesus. We can learn much from them about sharing the love of Christ through community development, education, healthcare, food security, and other tangible needs. ARDF is honored to support these local church leaders through our Nehemiah Fund for Development Projects. As a steady resource to draw upon, donations to the Nehemiah Fund support projects with the most urgent needs, ensuring that ARDF development projects are finished in a timely manner and are ready for the community.

Our goal is to raise $300,000 for the Nehemiah Fund for Development Projects. As we prepare for our next round of local-led development projects, we want to be ready with resources for our global partners to effectively and efficiently share the love of Christ in their communities. Will you join us? Donate to the Nehemiah Fund in support of our global partners sharing the tangible hope of the Risen Christ!

Watch this video to see how Nehemiah inspires us in partnership with our Global Leaders this Lent!


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Emily Misner