How Were Your COVID Relief Funds Used?


“I give thanks and glory to God for the provision of this food and supplies to help our people.” – A partner in South Asia (name withheld for the protection of this church)


The coronavirus pandemic has been a most challenging, unpredictable, and all-encompassing disaster.

Disasters are not new to us. Over the past 15 years, ARDF has responded to over 40 disasters. Your generosity has allowed us to send relief funds to 22 countries, distributing more than $2.7 million since our founding in 2004.

The Anglican Church in Tanzania distributed hand washing buckets to community members. Here one is installed at a church hostel.

The Anglican Church in Tanzania distributed hand washing buckets to community members. Here one is installed at a church hostel.

However, the coronavirus pandemic has been very different. All of our partners have been affected by this virus. Communities are struggling economically, as governments imposed travel restrictions and prohibited community gatherings.

In April, Archbishop Foley Beach asked ARDF to manage a relief fund for our global friends and put out a call to North Americans:

"As the President of ARDF, I am honored to serve this amazing organization. The unique part of the global efforts of ARDF is our reliance on strong relationships. We work through the wisdom and discernment of our bishops whom we know and trust. They advise us where resources can best be invested. We are all about trusted relationships. Honestly, this is why I need your help now. They [our international partners] are relying on years of existing relationships with us. We owe them our best too. Now more than ever."

Archbishop Foley Beach, Anglican Church in North America and President, ARDF-US

You responded!

By early June, you had matched the $50,000 designated for international COVID-19 relief. To date, ARDF has received more than $126,000 in contributions.

The impact has been immediate. Where did these funds go? Thanks to your speedy response, we quickly sent funds to more than 10 countries, with two more to receive funds in the coming days! In Tanzania, the church provided hand washing buckets and other hygiene supplies to health workers and local clergy. In Nepal, funds helped those who were jobless with emergency funds and food.

Be encouraged by church leaders who are finding innovative ways to continue their ministries during these difficult times. Our partners are grateful to be able to serve their communities in this way.

Of course the need is ongoing, and we will continue to send relief funds to those who demonstrate need. We are still accepting both donations and applications for relief funds.

Please continue to pray for our international brothers and sisters. Due to a lack of infrastructure in many countries, they will be dealing with the consequences of the pandemic for the foreseeable future. The needs will continue to be great.

Thank you for your support.

Together, we are the Anglican Church in Action!

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