How Are Your General Donations Really Used?


“Thank you for helping us. God bless you.

Burundi, DRC

General donations to a project in Burundi allowed a local community to complete a project to protect natural springs and provide the residents with clean water.

General donations to a project in Burundi allowed a local community to complete a project to protect natural springs and provide the residents with clean water.

Every non-profit organization relies on general donations for continuing operations. But how do you know where your money is going?

At ARDF, your general donations play a vital role in supporting our work overseas. Here are two examples of how we use the funds you entrust to us each month.

First, your general gifts allow us to fully fund grants for projects that have not received enough designated donations. For example, we recently sent undesignated funds to complete a project to build fortifications around 28 natural springs to provide clean water for several communities in Burundi.

I am thankful to God and to those who brought the project here to give us clean water. I used to see my two children suffering from diarrhea and I often took them to the dispensary spending my money and time. I have a great hope that since we have clean water the life of my family will positively improve. -  Belyse Murekerisoni, Giteranyi County, Burundi

We work efficiently and transparently to maintain an overhead percentage of only 21%. With our small staff and a business model that works though the local church, your donations made to general operations often go directly to development projects.

Meanwhile, your relief donations allow us to respond quickly to relief needs around the world. In March 2018, ARDF gave money to the Diocese of Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to assist the church in reaching out to those who have been forced to flee their homes and their fields due to renewed violence in the region. This allowed the church to give food and clothing to 284 IDPs (Internally Displaced People). Thanks to you and your earlier donations for international relief, we could provide this initial aid even before announcing this need publicly.

Please pray for us and advocate for us in order to return safely home. Thank you for helping us. God bless you. – Reverend Ekyemba, Fizi, DRC

When you give to ARDF, our partners on the ground don’t have to delay the implementation of their ideas. And you can follow our blog to see where these funds are going and how they are transforming lives on the ground.

Thank you!


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Christine JonesRelief, Burundi