Coping with COVID-19 in Madagascar

“They continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.” – Luke 2:36-37


The Anglican Church in Fianarantsoa held a large distribution event to provide food, cleaning supplies, and medicines to the local community.

The Anglican Church in Fianarantsoa held a large distribution event to provide food, cleaning supplies, and medicines to the local community.

The town of Fianarantsoa is on the island of Madagascar, 400km south of the capital, Antananarivo. The name means, “Good Education” in Malagasy, and the town is home to a university and a Lutheran theological college. It is off the beaten path and (pre-pandemic) only the most dedicated tourists would take the extra effort to travel here by overland bus.

Even without a pandemic, many in Fianarantsoa struggle with poverty, illness, unemployment, and famine. Like elsewhere in the world, the Government of Madagascar declared a public health emergency, closing schools and churches, restricting public gatherings, and suspending public transport.

Now, many can’t even purchase soap, much less have access to the clean water necessary to wash their hands! Others don’t have the savings to stock up on a month’s worth of essential supplies so they can quarantine at home. Businesses have closed down and there is nothing to buy - or sell! Poor nutrition is common.

Some of the government’s restrictions have been lifted, based on the existence of an unproven herbal cure, native to Madagascar. The WHO is now studying this remedy. Even so, the Anglican church has put into place specific measures to continue to protect the community. Churches remain closed and church members are encouraged to meet as families in their own homes to worship as some early Christians did!

It is encouraging that the Anglican church is strong and is looked to as a leader in the community. ARDF was pleased to support the relief efforts of the Diocese of Fianarantsoa.

The bishop’s wive handed out much needed supplies to women in the community.

The bishop’s wive handed out much needed supplies to women in the community.

With $5,000 in relief funds, the church purchased bags of rice, cooking oil, soap, clean water, disinfectants, and medicine. They held a large distribution event on the grounds of the cathedral. Students and teachers were among the primary recipients. The bishop’s wife specifically sought out motherless young women and pregnant women who were in desperate need of vitamins and other medicines.

“I see that the women, students, and teachers are happy to receive these gifts [which] reduce their [present] difficulty.” Rev. Canon Raobison Juliot Pez, District of Fianarantsoa

This would not be possible without you! Thank you for your support, your prayers, and all the ways in which you encourage our brothers and sisters in Madagascar.

One student reports, “We are very happy for this gift. It is necessary as we stay here in Fianarantsoa and we are not allowed to go out...It is helpful for us. Thank you!”

Thank you for praying for the people of Madagascar!


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